
Tax Scammers Targeting US Parents

With taxes due in just a few days, mid-April can be an extremely stressful time of the year for Americans. As is often the case, scammers are reportedly taking advantage of this in order to steal money from hard-working parents expecting a federal child tax credit. What Is The Federal Child Tax Credit? The federal child... Read More…

FCC Moves Forward In Removing Companies From Robocall Database

The FCC on Monday announced that due to continued non-compliance in combatting illegal robocalls, seven companies are now facing removal from their Robocall Mitigation Database. In their release, the FCC alleges that the offending companies failed to take required steps to combat robocalls including the implementation of STIR/SHAKEN protocols. STIR/SHAKEN, otherwise known as Secure Telephone Identity Revisited and Signature-based... Read More…

Nashville Mother Victimized in WWE Ticketing Phone Scam

A Nashville mother recently found herself the victim of a heartless phone scam while attempting to purchase WWE tickets for her son, Demetrius, a wheelchair bound wrestling superfan. Karen Trotter reached out to what she believed was Ticketmaster - through a phone number she found on Google - to inquire about accommodations for her disabled son to attend... Read More…

New Phone Scam Targeting Utility Customers Across the United States

It was only months ago that we wrote about a phone scam in which an unknown caller poses as the IRS and attempts to con their victims into paying for nonexistant tax bills with threats of prison or deportation. Now that tax time has come and gone, the scam is now being adapted to local electric and other utility... Read More…

Phone Scam Alert - Unsolicited Computer Repair From Microsoft

One of the common threads among phone scammers is that they often impersonate some type of authority in order to scare their victims. In one of the more recent scams being reported, callers are posing as Microsoft technicians who claim there is an issue with the... Read More…

Phone Scam Alert - Tax Time IRS Phone Scam

It's mid-April, and that means in the US we are just now recovering from filing our taxes. Some of us look forward to this time of year for a quick influx of cash, and others dread it because we owe. Unfortunately, phone scammers know this and they are not above using your tax anxiety to take... Read More…

Phishing Scams Get Their Own Voice

Phishing is a scam that's been around as long as we've been logging into websites. In the past 20 years or so, most consumers have probably become pretty good at spotting these often purposely-bad attempts at grabbing our info. For those who are unaware, it works like this - someone who wants to steal data(or money)... Read More…

All About The "Cramming" Phone Scam, And Why You Should Care

In any successful industry, there will always be plenty of companies out to make their share of the profit. The phone industry is no exception. Our smartphones are our constant companions, and there's a lot of money to be made from them. While most companies provide tangible benefit in return for our cash, there are always some... Read More…